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Serena Savini

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Serena Savini

Wellness Coach

Serena Savini is an empowering Career Coach, dedicated Facilitator, and passionate advocate for personal growth. With a heart that shines with compassion, Serena is driven by her mission to help individuals discover and embrace their full potential. Her coaching journey is a testament to her belief that every individual possesses a unique light that deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated.

Serena's expertise is rooted in her role as a Learning Experience Designer at TAP, where she plays a crucial part in nurturing the inner brilliance of young Palestinians. Through her work, she enables them to uncover their talents, skills, and aspirations, guiding them towards a brighter future.

As a Gestalt Counselor at Sommerville, Serena continues to make a meaningful impact by providing peer counseling on disability. Her compassionate approach fosters a safe and supportive space for individuals to share their experiences and challenges, helping them navigate through life's complexities.

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