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George Lee

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George Lee

Wellness Coach

A retired military officer with more than 24 years of experience in conducting large-scale Operations, Training & Development, Character and Leadership building, Strategic Analysis, and Critical Solutioning. Throughout my military trainings, I have developed a character of grit, perseverance, purpose-finding, and developing potentials of the next generation.

Over my journey of serving my country, I also embarked on the journey of searching for the bigger purpose, the key motivation of why we even embarked on our missions in the first place. This passion was what propelled me to start TheMindSynergy Pte Ltd, a school which help and guide people into searching for their life purposes, and arming them with the necessary toolsets and skillsets to move along their life journeys successfully.

As a certified Master Trainer in NLP + Master Trainer in Hypntherapy + Trainer in Time Line Therapy + Trainer in NLP Coaching, I emphasized a lot on Personal Growth and continuous improvement. I am a Life Strategist, and a Coach Trainer! As I continue to grow myself, I constantly bring people around me along to the next level. I love to see positive changes in the lives that I touched.

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