Sandeep Kalra
Life Coach
Of the total 37+ years of experience in the petroleum and natural gas industry, almost 30 years have been in sales and marketing . This included handling large sales teams their training and development. The dealer selection and the various issues related to channel management. I could contribute to the company's growth and performance through policy designing, strategy formulation, and retail chain management. The company also nominated me for certification as a trainer from MDI Gurgaon.
Recently I have been conferred upon ICF-PCC credentials for coaching . Last year I also completed my MA in Theology, with a passion for writing on spirituality and consciousness. This combination helps in understanding the impact of self awareness on the being of a coach My flair for writing helps in better expression and also my poetry.
I superannuated on 30th June'2024 from Bharat Petroleum and was then serving as a part of the core team that interfaces with the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and the DPE, providing insights and analysis on the industry trends and environment. Some of the wonderful intiatives which I could undertake were also appreciated by various wings of MoPNG. This included launching ecoScan, the Monthly bulletin on economic indicators with their analysis and implication on the Industry thereby providing inputs for the Board and business leaders
For about 30 years I have handled various positions in sales and marketing leading large teams at territory and state level. As regional role holder I have also led and supported various initiatives and innovations in valuation, feasibility, due diligence, and site value creation, as well as in training and development, team collaboration and mentoring, and resource planning and mobilization. My previous roles have given me the opportunity to work in a joint venture deal with Shell, expand the business which included the channel and sales team enrolment and development.
During the restructuring exercise with Arthur D Little, I was involved in task force on studying viability of the convenience store s at Petrol pumps and also developing a strategy for securing the sites