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Rye Cruz

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Rye Cruz

Executive Coach

Coach Rye Cruz is a highly experienced international coach, talent developer and facilitator who has been guiding leaders, teams, and organizations towards achieving significance in their lives and work for over 20 years. He holds multiple certifications and is a senior consultant to Ask Lex PH Academy on leadership and management development programs. He is also an e-book author, an entrepreneur in the services business, accredited instructor at Udemy and a certified practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and positive psychology.

Coach Rye Cruz has previously held leadership and management positions in various organizations in the Philippines and other international countries in the field of leadership, learning, teams, strategy, and organization development. He is the founder and chief enabler coach of the Human Centered Certified Coach framework, and an active member of several professional organizations including, World Business & Executive Coach Summit, Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches, Climate Coaches Alliance, International Association of Facilitators, 6 seconds emotional intelligence network, International Coaching Federation, and Philippine Society for Talent Development. He is also a Distinguished Toastmaster by Toastmasters International.

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