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Ken Ng Kien Mun

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Ken Ng Kien Mun

Executive Coach

Meet Ken Ng Kien, a transformation coach and the visionary founder of GlobalKnox. Ken's real-life experiences have inspired him that there is more to life, believing that with the right frame of mind and plans, we can move mountains and achieve new heights. With this burning fire within him, he embarked on a fulfilling journey as a transformation coach, guiding individuals and organizations to unlock their true potential. Through GlobalKnox, Ken's path as a coach leads him to connect with diverse and wonderful people from all walks of life, expanding into corporate training, team building, talent development, staff personal coaching, and motivational speaking. Along the way, he has had the privilege of collaborating with some of Malaysia's most influential corporations, including Maybank, AirAsia, IBM, and Maxis, helping them navigate critical junctures in growth and transformation. Ken's passion, vision, and heart for positive change have earned him accolades,

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