Annika Harloff
Career Coach
Raised in Germany in a small town Oer-Erkenschwick. I always wanted to live and work abroad. So I started my journey with an scholarship in the USA. Followed by an international business administration study and practical work experience in Sweden, France, Spain and Germany. Knowledge transfer from Western to Eastern Europe and the improvement of the existing processes was my first task as project manager. Finishing ahead of time I was interested in Sales and Marketing but ask to improve the processes and stock level in Logistics. Taking over the 3 departments I successively improved the processes and build up a new team establishing sales in new markets acquiring new customers while servicing the existing clients. Building up a strong customer relationship and developing special products for niche markets was a profitable growth business model. Which then I got to apply one more time adapted to the South East Asian market. Moving between countries is never easy. Having changed locations and jobs several times I can call myself an expert in making a smooth set up in a different country, culture and working environment. Working for multinational companies I know how to get the most out of it privately and from a career point of view. Being very ambitious sales and target oriented I know to present my ideas to diverse and interdisciplinary stakeholders in an intercultural surrounding. Going through some mergers and acquisitions I migrated and re-integrated in 2014 after 10 years of expat life back to Germany. Where my first choice was to use the time for a sabbatical. I took coaching classes, build my home in Berlin and enjoyed life. But when the competition asked to apply my market development strategy for them to the South East Asian market, I was delighted to go back to Singapore and to apply my skills, while building up my international coaching business. Working remote I lived alternating 3 months in Singapore and 3 months in Berlin. Taking on interesting jobs as mascot for a national depression prevention organisation, supporting the national gymnastics team and team lead at the Formular 1 Race, etc. The experience, the connections and the freedom to be able to pursue that was priceless. Fulfilling a long term dream and vision I started in 2019 lecturing at renowned international universities. Interacting with the students and passing on my practical knowledge to them combined with the theory fulfils me with joy. Since 2020 traveling became more difficult I located myself in Berlin, which I love, and dedicated my coaching mainly to global people in transition, who join my customised online coaching sessions at a for them convenient time slot. Lately I wrote a book *** starterpack *** a quick guide to your dream job in Germany and there is much more to come.